Are you sick of feeling stressed and out of control?

C.A.L.M.! is the must-have, quick and easy self-help course you've been searching for. 

Does This Sound Familiar..?


You're running late for work. It's 8.48am you and realise that there is no way you can make to work on time. And you haaaate being late.

Do you have ways to effectively and kindly calm yourself down? 

Or....Do you start to panic and spiral out of control? 

Do you think:

  • "Argh, there is no way I'm going there on time 😩, what a freakin' disaster!" or
  • "Why!? Why didn't I leave myself more time?" or
  • "I am such an idiot!"

If you don't have the right strategies to deal with stress then you can quickly feel:

  • Overwhelmed
  • 100% Out Of Control
  • Like you can't stop thinking of the worst possible outcomes (getting fired, an unhappy client, feeling even more panicked)
  • Sometimes, you get so stressed and panicky that you can't even think straight
  • Occasionally, you can't even breathe


This is where C.A.LM.! can help you.

Stress Can Leave You Feeling..


It's exhausting being so stressed all the time! You might also get headaches, an upset gut and tense muscles.


You often get really annoyed with yourself. Why can’t you just CALM down already?! Sometimes, you think, "What is wrong with me?"

Burnt Out

All this unchecked stress means  you sometimes start feeling like a failure at work and home. You lose confidence in yourself. You feel hopeless.

It's Not Just You!!


Anxiety is The Most Common mental health problem people face. And twice as common in women. It is not your fault!

Maybe you've tried

  • Taking deep breaths - but sometimes you end up getting more stressed
  • Talking to your friends but they don't always get it
  • Telling yourself "I'm ok"
  • Getting firm with yourself, saying things like "Get over it!"
  • Mindfulness. But it's hard. You get distracted. 


But nothing has worked very well.

Anxiety is not meant to managed alone. You can't be your own psychologist or counsellor! But you can learn the skills to help yourself.

To unhook from panic and fear and stress. And quickly!

That's why I created C.A.L.M.!

It's a quick, easy, practical course that arms you with the tools to feel calm and chill again.

Here's the Truth: Anxiety Left Unchecked Tends To... Eek Get Worse. 


If you feel lost and out of control with your stress - then you can have very negative inner thoughts about how hopeless you are. This makes anxiety worse. And now, you spiral more quickly and intensely into thinking I can't do this!

CALM! is the Course for You if You Want to..

Be Calm

No matter what life throws at you. You Can Be Calm. You got this!

Feel In Control

You don't want to feel like your emotions are controlling you. Calm you is in charge now. 

Learn Quickly

You're a busy person. You want quick, practical de-stressing help.

Feel Self-Confident

You want to feel better about yourself. Not like you're some crazy stressed person all the time. You want to like yourself again!

Meet Dr. Tanya


Hi! I’m Dr. Tanya – the mental health doctor, anxiety therapist, and parenting coach who created CALM! to help stressed-out people like you.


I’m a native Kiwi (a New Zealander), living in Australia, helping clients with anxiety all over the world.


As someone who has also struggled with anxiety, I know how hard it is to stop worry from taking over. I also know that learning just a few key skills and strategies can help you feel calmer and more in control.


I’ve combined my extensive medical knowledge, mental health training, years of family medicine and telehealth 1:1 counselling experience into one simple, practical course for you. And I’ve made it as affordable as possible because therapy is expensive! And sometimes, just quietly, you can go around in circles talking without getting actual practical help.


I've included elements of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and a massive chunk of common sense of what my clients and I find useful. So, take charge of that panic already! 


What Will I Learn?

C.A.L.M.!  teaches you:

  • 7 different techniques to feel CALM again
  • How to do mindful breathing
  • How to use the calming techniques in everyday life
  • Long term strategies to keep anxiety in check
  • How to address anxious thoughts


Everything you need to stop the panic from spiralling out of control and becoming a hot, yelly, stressed mess!



Get C.A.L.M.! Today!


You don't want hours of content. Maybe you've even tried therapy and it didn't really help... Plus it's expensive! And sometimes, individual therapy a little scary too. 

C.A.L.M.! includes

  • One 30 minute Video Training teaching you 7 different easy-to-use CALMING down techniques
  • One simple Implementation Worksheet so you can put what you learn into practice



Let's Get Started!

How Are Your Stress Levels?

If you're not sure if C.A.L.M.! is for you.. do my quick Stress Checker to get an insight into your stress levels.


But Brace Yourself.. There’s More Stuff!


You Also Get These Extra Things:

Pocket-sized Card

One pocket-sized business with the 7 key de-stressing strategies. Pop it in your wallet, check it anytime you feel panic rising (pdf, downloadable and Canva link)

Mindful Breathing

I explain my own mindful breathing technqiue. No fancy diaphragmatic breathing or visualisation required. Learn it quickly and try it out today.

5 Minute Mindfulness

My own 5 minute mindfulness audio recording to download to your iphone. Listen anytime you please. I also recommend other apps for mindfulness I personally find useful.

Long Term Stress Busting

A second single-page worksheet outlining my long term tips to keep your wellbeing in check. Fill it in and see what you need to work on to be self kind ❤️

Help for Parents!

Parenting can be really really stressful. Never have you felt more out of control or triggered than when you're trying to manage your child's difficult behaviours. There's an extra video and worksheet just for you, because I get it!


What Lovely Clients are Saying About CALM..

How nice is that!  

Don’t wait! Take control of panic today.



Get practical anxiety help at your fingertips. Learn techniques that really work. Do the course in your own time, in the privacy of your own home. To feel calmer and more confident! Yes!!!



Frequently Asked Questions