Are you a Mum whose feeling kinda stuck in life?

Exhausted by the juggle, never ending to-do-lists and you're sooo over it?


Ooooh I get it. Things have gotten a bit blaah.

You're overwhelmed, cranky and maybe if you’re honest: you’re just not very happy.


You know things need a shake up but you don't know what or how to do that..


I'm here to with all the messy-emotional stuff. You just want to be happier and slow down and not feel so damn stressed all the time...!


Is that a heeelll yes? Then I'm your Woman*!

*(or therapist or doctor or parenting coach - whatever you want to call me!)

Book your FREE 15min INTRO CALL HERE!

Maybe you don't even know what you want.. but you know you want to change things up.


You keep thinking, I can handle it. It's "fine". But deep down. You know. Things are not fine.


It's ok. It doesn't mean you're hopeless or struggling. You just need someone to support you + help you take action (psst, I’m the someone!)

You finally have time to focus on yourself, maybe you're thinking that you..


  • Have a brain that is constantly turned out. You get stressed about every little thing. You're constantly thinking about what just happened, what needs to be done next. You find it impossible to relax. And it is freakin' exhausting!


  • Are sick of feeling cranky and on edge. Where did happy carefree you go? You want her back!! 


  • Are feeling invisible at work or in your relationship. You feel responsible for everyone else's feelings. Gah!


  • Often feel like you're never satisfied or good enough. You never have enough time for anything. You'd love to get to pilates just once a week, but it just doesn't happen. And then you beat yourself up about it, arghh! 


But what does that look like at the end, you're wondering..


And how do you know this is for you?


Yeah, let’s be real. You don't!

But, I am deeply invested in helping you dig deep, find out what brings you joy (even if, right now you have no freakin' idea!) and getting you there.


Let’s work through the messy emotional stuff, the parenting stuff, the post-kid relationship slump, the mum guilt, the work bleugh. All of it!


Book a FREE Intro Call with me and see if I'm the Therapist for you!


You don't have to struggle through the highs and lows of motherhood alone. Because those lows can draaag and turn you into a cranky, no-fun Mum..


Stuff that! Let me help!



Okay but srsly Tanya…


What exactly does Therapy look like with you? 🤔

Parenting Stuff

I know the kids just being kids sometimes drives you completely insane in the membrane. And you've read some books and you know the gentle parenting vibe. But you want some hands-on help because things are not working at the mo...

Anxiety Help

You don't want to just talk about being stressed All. The. Time. You want help with it. And you feel like you do not have time for mindfulness or meditation or that stuff right now... So, let's make that help work for you in the best way poss in your busy life right now. I'm all about evidence based stuff, girl. I got you!

Accountability + Support 

You wanna go to pilates once a week? Let's make that happen! Sometimes (and by 'sometimes' I mean 'almost all the time') it's really hard to actually prioritise you. I'm here to cheer you on and help you make it happen (heads-up it may mean some gentle bullying into booking that casual daycare day occasionally!)

Kind Words from Lovely Clients ♥️


You deserve a life that's fun and fulfilling

Eating a warm dinner.. sorry, that’s a sh*t goal


→ Maybe you're out of the nappy stage. And you've had a moment to breathe. And now, you've realised that you're not super happy


→ You might even feel a bit resentful of what you've lost becoming a Mum. And you want some flippin' joy back in your life! You’re thinking, oh hey. Me. What about me?


→ Maybe you’re feeling stuck at work. You've played it safe. You went to uni, got the degree. And now you're like, wait, do I even like this job?


→ Maybe you’re feeling in a funk with everything. Everyone is driving you insane! And now you're thinking... Hmm maybe it's not the dog or the kids or the husband or the job.. it's you. And you don't want to feel so cranky anymore


No matter where you are… if you're needing a bit of:

→ You-got-this! Energy 💪 +

→ Emotional support ♥️ +

→ Cheerleading 🥳 +

→ Practical help 🤗 +

→ Courage 🤘 

Then, The flippin’ GREAT News is… you’re in the right place!

Video Poster Image

You're a great fit for working with me if you...



✓ You're a woman who's like... Ummm, what about me? I want to talk about me and also, not just talk but take action! I don't really know what that action is... but I do want to be less worried, feel happier and more important in my own damn life!


✓ You're often overwhelmed, on edge, maybe angry, ragey and might even feel lost or smothered by motherhood. And you don’t want to feel like that anymore. You want a bit of the old carefree you back.


✓Are sooo over keeping everyone one happy all the time (stuff that people pleasing!) and you want to help you be happier!


✓ Have the space to focus on yourself, or are ready to make that space


✓ Could benefit from a clear action plan and a supportive coach to hold you accountable for taking the next steps and moving forward toward your goal. Whether that's being less snappy or enjoying parenting more or getting back to running. Whatever it is. (Remember - including even if you don't know!)


✓ You don’t want intensive mental health help, medication or referrals to specialists

✓ You might not even know anyone else who sees a therapist… and it might even seem like you should just get over yourself… But you’ve got a niggling feeling that you need to do something bigger for you. And you’re ready to take that step.



And a lil' heads-up..


I no longer offer medicare-rebated GP counselling. So, this is the way to go if you want to work with me! Yay!


Meet Me! 

Hi, I’m Dr Tanya!


For years (at least two) I told myself: things are fine. Just fine. I am coping. I am sleeping and eating and the kids are ok. 


But, I knew. Things were faaaaar from ok.


I secretly kinda hated work. Not the patients, they were lovely. But I didn't want to be a GP anymore and memorise 17 different diabetes medications and have to plead with the nurse to do the fancy pants silver dressing or whatever because I have noooo idea about dressings and always running at least 12 minutes late and endlessly apologising...


I needed out. But I couldn't admit it to myself.


So, I kept going to work. But I also kept yelling at the kids. And being unfairly cranky at my lovey husband and feeling a growing sense of ill ease and ickiness inside.


I knew things needed to change. But I didn't know how.



So, I moved to a different practice. And then another one. After three different practices, I finally admitted that I didn’t want to be a GP anymore! It took me forever to accept that I wanted something different and do something about it.


But flippin' heck, it would have been easier (and faster!) to get some cheerleady professional help when I needed it! 


Now, I genuinely get to do my dream job – helping women, showing up as my silly, authentic self on social media, and coaching beautiful wanna-be empowered women who believe they are worth investing in, it’s their time to shine! 🌟


And I’d love to help you step into your own dream version of yourself.


Or just feel a tad less cranky. That's a good start 😉


A woman who knows she wants things to change. Is brave enough to take action and talk about the messy emotional stuff of hiding crying in the wardrobe from the kids and get a plan of attack about how to handle her stupid inefficient boss or beautiful but tantrumming child or crushing imposter syndrome and still apply for that amazing job!


If you're ready to own your sh*t and get real and happy then let's do this thang! ✨


Three Packages: 


These are the three awesome ways I can help you. Not sure which is for you? No problem!


Book a 15min FREE INTRO CALL and let's figure it out together!


Option 1: Individual Therapy Appointments

One appointment (and one win) at a time, yay!

Individual Therapy includes:

  • 1 x 45-min private Zoom call
  • Book over whatever time from works for you (from one week to 2 months between calls)
  • No lock-in contract to book more calls, yay!
  • Anxiety, overwhelm, parenting, work stress, relationship stuff, family trickiness, share as much as you feel safe (it's all ok with me!)


Individual Therapy is for you if you're not 100% sure on working together long term or your schedule is hectic and you just want to try one appointment at a time (fair enough!)

Investment of Mini-Therapy: $177 per Zoom Call*

*Cancellation fee: 100% of the full fee will be charged if the appt is cancelled more than 48hrs prior and not rescheduled, thanks!


Option 2: Mini-Therapy (4 call package)

Let’s talk about YOU!

Mini-Therapy includes:

  • 4 x 45-min private Zoom calls over whatever time from works for you (from one week to 2 months between calls)
  • We’ll connect every 2 weeks to 2 months (up to you!) to see how you're doing. 
  • Mental load overload, parenting stress, workplace ick, feeling bleugh about your relationship or kids, nothing is off limits. I'm here to help.

Mini-Therapy is for you if you know you want at least 4 calls to get stuck into some support, practical help and gentle change. Yay!

Change doesn’t have to be long, drawn out, and painful. See what’s possible in your life with 4 calls to have a good vent and get some practical help!

Investment of Mini-Therapy: $697 AUD - 


Option 3: ME

Let’s get you more support!

ME includes:

  • 4 months of coaching support
  • 8 x 50-min private Zoom calls
  • Free access to my anxiety-busting course, CALM (click HERE for more info) 
  • We’ll start our 4 months with a 1:1 call to dig deeper into who you are and want you want. Feeling less overwhelmed, stressed and on edge? Want more me-time? Patience? Less Crankiness? Happiness?! This is The Package for you!

ME is for you if you know you want to focus more on you. Be less stressed and get expert emotional and practical support to get you there. Remember, you don't have to know what those goals are yet, I’ll help you figure it out! (During our Intro Call if you want!)

See what’s possible in your life with 4 months weeks of focused, effective empowering help!

Investment of ME: $1287AUD (PSST, this is the best value for money at $160/call and for 50min calls too, woop! 🥳)


Sign me up to ME! (The Best Value for 💸)
Not sure? No worries → Book a FREE Call HERE! 📞

You don't have to live your life for anyone else!


Therapy with me is all about:

No Guilt

Embrace the life you want without feeling guilty for prioritising yourself. Want more self-care and time? I'll get you it!


Chasing what you want creates an unstoppable confidence you'll love! I'll help you get what you love, what brings you joy and passion. Don't errr, know what is your passion? No probs, I'll help you figure it out!


Sometimes feel like you're kinda pretending? Just going through the motions? Enough of that, let's figure out your values, what you stand for. What lights you up?! You'll be amazed what all falls into place when you show up the way you want to be.

Your Terms

I won't ever tell you what to do or who to be - you call the shots and I support you along the way. But, I am going to give you actionable steps. I won't tell you to do stuff. But you bet, I'll hold you accountable if you want to change (you tell me you wanna get to Pilates three times a week, then girl - I’ll get you there!)

You’re ready to make a change, but something is holding you back


I’m going to go ahead and guess you didn’t read this entire page just for fun. You want to do something different.


Your dreams aren’t silly.


Your goals aren’t embarrassing.


Your happiness isn’t optional.


I can help you take the first step (and the next and the next…) toward the life you really want! All you have to do is say yes.


→ YES ! I'M ALL IN! ←



➜ BOOK a FREE Intro Call with Dr Tanya here